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June 28, 2019

Casual Talk Podcast - Episode 1 | What is Coaching & MTN LAB with Coach Robin Lyons


0 -  2:45

  • What is a coach and what does coaching mean to me.
  • The ability to evolve an individual.
  • Maximizing an individuals potential on a journey they are fulfilled in.
  • Impact & inspire.

2:47 - 5:56

  • What is Mtn Lab
  • Coaching physical fitness that has a continuum.
  • Wants vs. Needs
  • Aligning Goals
  • Meeting an individual where they are at (Physically & Emotionally)
  • Are current actions and behaviors aligned with the end result or experience they want in life.

5:57 - 10:02

  • How a client walks through Mtn Lab
  • Consult
  • Assessment phase
  • Individual Design

10:04 - 11:32

  • Robins Why for Coaching

11:33 - 12:12

  • Defining what motivates you - drives you and inspires you

12:13 - 12:42

  • Honoring what you value leads to alignment

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